for the A-a just do a finger slide. it makes it easier(slide from black key onto white key) 4|-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a| 3|-----------------------------------------e-------d-------c------| Repeat x10 4|-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a---------G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-G-b-A-a-| 3|---------------------d---e-------d-------c-------| 2|-b-------a-------b-------------------------------| Repeat the last line over, and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over till you drop dead :D
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