Reflection We went to SMU High School as Madam Ella Tumaneng told us to observed the different kinds of rooms and facilities that are present or found in their school campus. We feel very excited and nervous because this is our first time to observed the different kinds of rooms and facilities in the SMU High School. Before we went there, I thought that their rooms and facilities are clean, have a complete ventilation and all their things are well-organized. When we entered to SMU High School campus, I appreciate most the different kinds of wall displays like poster and slogan, because it has a lot of good thougths and ideas that can help the students to developed their critical thinking,skills, and talents in doing such activities. Before we begin to observe the different kinds of rooms and facilities, we went first to the principals office to ask a permission with Dr. Soliven and Madam Ella Tumaneng told us to speak in english and avoid using gadgets and avoid shouting but some students speak in Iloco, Tagalog and I saw some students used their gadgets like cell phone, MP3 and MP4. I thought already that some students didn't followed the school rules and regulations. In this activity we observed that some facilities are closed and we learned a lot of things and we successfully finished our observation with some memorable experiences. Alexander Tomas BSEd-2 Phisical Sciences
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