Funding for TabNabber is running low. We really need your support now to keep the site up and running! Please consider making a donation or buying some merchandise now, while you still can!
Really, we're fine, we just need 100 dollars, from you and you and you and you...though anything helps and is very much appreciated!
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Hey Genius! Can You Solve This? Savants are people with a developmental brain disorder (often autism) or brain injury who display prowess in a particular area, such as mathematics, art or music, which far exceeds the norm. But we may all have dormant savant-like abilities, and using brain stimulation it may be possible to unlock the savant inside each of us.
Here's your chance. Connect all nine dots using just four straight lines, without lifting your pen up or retracing a line. Researchers have been giving this classic problem to people for a century, but in the majority of experiments, no participants are able to solve it, even with plenty of time and many attempts.
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